PALPAP ERP – Hostel Management System


(Real-time security to the Students)

PALPAP ERP – Software, with a focus on innovation and enhancements of Educational Institutes like Schools, Colleges and Universities. PALPAP ERP Software began in 1997, our commitment to operational excellence and client satisfaction is at the forefront of our business strategies and top of mind with every decision we make.

Our Hostel module is an intellectual way of approving the leave request, and intimating the hostel inmates’ in-out details from the hostel to the guardian as well as a class teacher. In today’s scenario, the safety of the student inmates is a major concern. The system allows an easy way to receive approval and inform them about the in-out details of hostel inmates to their guardian. Palpap Hostel module, simply put as student monitoring system within Hostel, employs the telephonic revolution, fingerprint recognition system, smart card system for approval and verification.

The system also covers attendance; every student must produce their thumb impression every morning and evening on allotted time. After the attendance, if any student is found as absent, their respective guardian will be intimated over the phone or by SMS based on their preference.

Hence, this is a highly effective tool, with forward and vibrant institute and stipulates a liberal and modern outlook on education organization’s Hostel Management System to cater to its need of providing a real-time security to the Students.

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